“Soviet Union is laid to rest”
“Republics form Commonwealth of Independent States”

The Sunday (Washington) Times
Washington, DC
December 22, 1991

This historic newspaper makes the startling announcement of the end of the great Soviet Empire.  Eleven former republics declare their independence from the great Russian Bear.  The United States was expected to recognize the new Commonwealth within a matter of days as were most other nations. The front page contains a photograph of new leader Boris Yeltsin signing the official papers.  Events like the war in Afghanistan (Russia’s “Vietnam”), the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, rise of younger Communists, the strength of President Ronald Reagan, Soviet economic collapse, and the rise of Gorbachev, all led to the fall of the Soviet Empire.

This is the complete Sunday edition in virtually mint condition–you’ll think it was delivered this morning!  Wonderful historic newspaper.
