The New York Times
March 9, 1948
In a controversial (to this day) 8-1 ruling, the Supreme Court declared that religious instruction in public school buildings was unconstitutional. A mother in Champaign, Illinois, who was an avowed atheist, complained that her son felt “embarrassed” by being the only child in his schoolroom not attending religious classes under a local plan.” Justice Hugo Black stated for the court that the use of tax-supported property for dissemination of religious doctrines violated the Constitutional concept of separation of church and state, first written in an 1801 letter of Thomas Jefferson.–Jefferson was separating the institutions of church and state. However, the 1948 ruling, according to some experts, turned the First Amendment to the Constitution on its head, by separating religion and civil government at all levels including state and local governments.
In other news, there is are large front page headlines announcing, “TRUMAN AND M’ARTHUR WILL ACCEPT NOMINATIONS FOR THE PRESIDENCY, THEY SAY, IF CHOSEN BY CONVENTIONS.” “PRESIDENT READY. HE WILL NOT BACK DOWN ON PALESTINE, CIVIL RIGHTS STANDS.” Meanwhile, General Douglas MacArthur “WOULD MEET DUTY.” “General Says He Would Be ‘Recreant’ to Balk Call of the People.” “DOES NOT COVET OFFICE.” See scans for photos of Gen. MacArthur and President Harry Truman.
This is the complete 48-page special rag paper edition of the Times in near mint condition.