The New York Times
January 31, 1933
The Times famous triple-tiered headlines shout: “HITLER MADE CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY BUT COALITION CABINET LIMITS POWER; CENTRISTS HOLD BALANCE IN REICHSTAG.” After losing several elections to President Von Hindenburg, Franz von Papen makes a deal with the WWI general to make Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist Party, Chancellor of Germany even though they don’t have a majority in the Reichstag. The story includes this fascinating statement: “The composition of the Cabinet leaves Herr Hitler no scope for gratification of any dictatorial ambition.” (I think history proved differently)! Yet, the front page also contains a story by the AP headed, “HITLER PLEDGES FIGHT IN CABINET.” The Nazi statement says, in part, “After a thirteen-year struggle the National Socialist movement has succeeded in breaking through to the government; the struggle to win the German nation, however, is only the beginning.” Reaction to the news of Hitler’s appointment at German Chancellor is mixed in Europe. Poland hopes Hitler’s new post will help show the world the true face of what Germany will become under the Nazi Party. Page three contains photographs of Hitler, Franz Von Papen, Dr. Wilhelm F. Frick, and the future head of the Luftwaffe Herman Goering.
Here is the complete and original 38-page Times newspaper in superb white condition, printed on special rag stock for preservation. Only around ninety such issues were printed in 1933. This issue has been reprinted from microfilm in a number of books I’ve seen.